Ibanda District Woman MP Jovrine Kaliisa claims police is working with her rivals Jane Bainomugisha and Margaret Kiboijana to alter declaration of results (DR) forms ahead of a vote recount.
On September 08, Kaliisa stormed the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) offices in Ibanda to stop what she called a plot to tampering with DR forms to rig her out.
In the NRM office, an angry Kaliisa found party electoral officials, and people she suspected were agents of Bainomugisha and Kiboijana perusing through the forms.
She accused police of looking on as her rivals tampered with the results forms ahead of a recount.
But NRM electoral officials and police claimed they were getting the forms ready for Kampala where they had been ordered to take them.
What ensued later was a war of words between Kaliisa and Ibanda District Police Commander (DPC) Emily Angomoku.
Angomoku told Kaliisa to wait for Tanga Odoi, but the incumbent MP insisted the DPC and the officers she led were part of a plot to ensure the forms are altered to favour Bainomugisha and Kiboijana.
The DPC also arrested Kaliisa’s brother for reportedly assaulting an official in the NRM office.
This forced Kaliisa to disrupt a media interview Angomoku was holding. She demanded to be heard, and called out the DPC to stop oppressing her, her supporters and agents.
According to results of the September 04 primary election released by Ibanda District Registrar Moses Arimwerenga, political new comer Bainomugisha defeated Kaliisa and former MP Margaret Kiboijana.
Bainomugisha garnered 37,606 votes ahead of Kaliisa’s 37,439, Margaret Kiboijana’s 19,319, Agnes Elvaida’s 1,555 and Obeth Asiimwe’s 607.
But Kaliisa rejected the results, and petitioned Tanga Odoi, demanding a vote recount and fresh polling in Rwahura II Cell.
Tanga Odoi orders vote recount in Ibanda after MP Kaliisa challenged Bainomugisha’s victory
Bainomugisha’s lawyers of Ngaruye Ruhindi, Spencer and Company Advocates have told Tanga Odoi to withdraw the “arbitrary directives calculated to overturn her victory” or wait for them in court.