Julie Mutesasira lesbian marriage

Julie Mutesasira opens up on rumors of deportation & lesbian marriage collapse, blames witchcraft

Lesbian gospel singer Julie Mutesasira has laughed off reports of deportation from the US and of her lesbian marriage collapse.…

3 years ago

GAY MARRIAGE FAILS! Julie Mutesasira in tears after lesbian lover reportedly dumped her

Ugandan lesbian gospel singer is in double trouble after her gay lover dumped, leaving her to face looming deportation alone.…

3 years ago

Julie Mutesasira breaks silence on same sex wedding

Ugandan gospel singer Julie Naluggya Mutesasira has spoken out after photos of her wedding to a fellow woman leaked online,…

4 years ago

Of gospel singer Julie Mutesasira’s same sex marriage & her ex-hubby’s wedding

The country woke up to shocking news after photos of popular gospel singer Julie Mutesasira in a wedding with her…

4 years ago