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Reduction in Salt Harvest Worries Katwe-Kabatoro Town Leaders

Heavy Rains Reduce Katwe-Kabatoro Salt Harvest -- Leaders


Leaders of Katwe-Kabatoro town council in Kasese district have decried the huge reduction in salt crystals from the salt pans due to heavy downpour. 

They blame the drop on the Katwe-Kabatoro salt harvest on rains which they say have destroyed their salt pans.

Katwe-Kabatoro Town Council, where the salt mines are located, has experienced heavy rain in the last few months . This has raised the water levels, making it dangerous for the miners.

This means that most of the population at the site are now living in poverty line since most of them depend on salt mining.

In an interview with The Pearl Times, at Lake Munyanyange Caves Lodge in Katwe-Kabatoro Town Council, the secretary for works Pawel Birunji said the reduction in salt mining has also affected revenue collection, thus affecting their planning and budgeting.

According to him, salt mining funds 90 per cent of the town council’s budget.

Salt mining in Katwe is one of Africa’s oldest industries that are still surviving. The salt mine has played an important political and economic role in history of the western part and is a key salt producer in Uganda.

The lake is one of the biggest tourist destination, attracting students, researchers and foreigners.

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