Aswa Regional Police has arrested five police officers, who were captured on camera siphoning fuel out of a tanker that been involved in an accident at Wipolo, along the Karuma-Arua high way in Nwoya district.
Preliminary findings indicate that on August 29, the officers responded to a call from the Commander of the Integrated Highway Patrol along Karuma-Pakwach Highway that a fuel tanker Reg. no: CGO-1296AA 06/CGO1277AA-06 which was carrying petrol from Eldoret in Kenya through Uganda to DRC had overturned.
A good amount of fuel spilled over due to the accident, hence putting a danger to other road users and people from the immediate neighborhood, said Police spokesperson Fred Enanga.
“Although the initial response team from the Integrated Highway Patrol tried to secure the scene, they were however captured on camera siphoning fuel out of the tanker.”
At least five officers from the Integrated Highway Patrol at Agung Detach who responded first, were arrested.
Police identified the five as Sgt Brian Sadik Okello, Col Ceaser Dragudu, the PC Albert Oven, PC Christopher Ocen and PC Anthony Adoro.
They face charges of discreditable conduct, theft and conspiracy.
They are detained at Nwoya CPS.