Mbonye Demands Unconditional Reopening Of Churches - The Pearl Times Mbonye Demands Unconditional Reopening Of Churches - The Pearl Times

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Mbonye demands unconditional reopening of churches

Prophet Elvis Mbonye has demanded the unconditional reopening of churches. Courtesy Photo

Zoe Ministries President Prophet Elvis Mbonye says President Yoweri Museveni should reopen churches without any condition.

Churches have remained closed despite easing of lockdown measures on public transport and trade, among other aspects of daily life.

In his July 22 Covid19 address, Museveni, religious leaders, through the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) would discuss with scientists on standard operating procedures for safe reopening.

“We are still doing more consulting and if an ideal plan is worked out, they will involve the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda on how to re-open the places of worship,” said Museveni.

The president said he was still worried churches would aid the spread of Covid19 since they attract people from different places.

While places of worship and education institutions remained closed, Museveni reopened arcades, salons and allowed bodabodas to carry passengers.

Now, Mbonye, who has recently been vocal in his criticism of government’s and religious leaders’ handling of the Covid19 pandemic, wants government to reopen for Ugandans to worship.

In response to Museveni’s plan for reopening Mbonye, whose disciple Simon Senyonga claims is greater than Moses, rallied religious leaders to reject tough conditions for reopening.

In his ‘Secret Perspectives with Prophet Elvis Mbonye’ broadcast online, he predicted SOPs that would make it difficult to worship.

“Now, I want every pastor, religious leader and believer in Uganda to pay closer attention and research on what God is saying and revealing such that you can lead your people in the right direction,” Mbonye said.

“The good news is that the spirit of God is planning greater things to counter the enemy and see us back to worship places but we have to stand against the conditional reopening.”

On July 18, Mbonye accused clerics pushing for tough reopening conditions of betrayal.

“To the Church leaders that are proposing unreasonably extreme ‘guidelines’ for the opening up of worship places, Judas Iscariot would be proud of you.”

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