LIST: See 240 Best Performing Schools from Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro & Bunyoro (Western Uganda) in 2023 PLE

Schools from Ntungamo, Isingiro, Mbarara, Fort Portal City, Kyegegwa, Rukungiri, Mitooma, Kyenjojo and Kasese Municipality make the top 10 of the best 240 PLE 2023 schools from the Western Uganda region’s Ankole, Kigezi, Bunyoro and Tooro sub-regions, a Pearl Times analysis of results from Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) examinations done last year indicates. 

This Pearl Times analysis that led to the ranking of Western Uganda (Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro and Bunyoro sub-regions) schools relied on the aggregate average score.

As The Pearl Times editor has explained the concept of the average aggregate score Here, “to understand this ranking, one has to imagine a district with only two candidates: one with aggregate four and another with aggregate 36. The average aggregate score is 20. Four plus 36, then divide the total by two — the number of candidates. Simply: (04+36=40; 40/2=20),”

Uganda Kids Project PS from Ntungamo, Endinzi Parents PS from Isingiro, Wagga Wagga PS from Mbarara, Tooro Parents Education Centre from Fort Portal City and Paragon Parents PS from Kyegegwa make the top five in PLE 2023 for Western Uganda, according to this Pearl Times ranking.

For the first five schools of Western Uganda in PLE 2023, the average aggregate scores range from 5.1 to 6.3.

For the top 100 Western Uganda (Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro and Bunyoro) schools, the average aggregate score is 10.

The cut off for this Pearl Times ranking of best performing Western Uganda (Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro and Bunyoro) schools is an average of aggregate 12.

The Pearl Times Rankings Desk would like to inform readers that there are other parameters of looking at performance in national examinations such as PLE.

For example, in one ranking of top western Uganda’s top performing 20 schools in 2023 PLE, the yardstick was the total number of first grades (Division One scores as a percentage of total candidature) but schools with bigger number ranked higher than those with a few candidates. (See Full List of Western Uganda’s Top 20 Schools in 2023 PLE according to this ranking HERE).


School District/City/Municipality Average Aggregate
1 Uganda Kids Project PS Ntungamo District 5.1
2 Endinzi Parents PS Isingiro 5.6
3 Wagga Wagga PS Mbarara District 5.8
4 Tooro Parents Educ Centre Fort Portal City 6
5 Paragon Parents School Kyegegwa 6.3
6 Brain Trust PS Rukungiri District 6.3
7 Kyegegwa Junior School Kyegegwa 6.6
8 Trusted Care Junior School Kasese Mun 6.8
9 Mitooma Junior PS Mitooma 6.8
10 Light Star PS Kyenjojo 7.1
11 Kitwe Town PS Ntungamo District 7.1
12 Kabale Universal  PS Kabale Munic 7.2
13 Kabale Preparatory School Kabale Munic 7.2
14 St Maria Goretti PS Kabale Munic 7.4
15 St Clelia PS Rukiga 7.4
16 Rwimi Parents PS Bunyangabu 7.5
17 Maria Junior PS Buryansungwe Kitagwenda 7.5
18 St Mukasa Seminary Sheema Mun 7.5
19 Five Star Model School Kasese Mun 7.7
20 Kyamatambarire PS Mbarara District 7.8
21 Parental Care PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 7.9
22 St Julie Model PS Kibaale 7.9
23 Karagirwe Memorial PS Ntungamo District 7.9
24 Green Circle PS Fort Portal City 8
25 Bishop Asili Mem PS Kabale Munic 8
26 Nyakasanga Infant PS Kasese Mun 8
27 St Allen’s PS Kisoro Mun 8.1
28 Katairwe Parents PS Kyegegwa 8.1
29 Pearls PS Kasese Kasese Mun 8.2
30 Parental Care School Kasese Mun 8.2
31 Bugarihe Standard PS Kazo 8.2
32 Kazo Parents PS Kazo 8.2
33 Nyakibare Parents PS Rukungiri Mun 8.2
34 Nyakaikara PS Rwampara 8.3
35 Excel PS Rwimi Bunyangabu 8.4
36 Kyenzaza Integrated PS Rubirizi 8.4
37 Rubanga Parents PS Rukungiri District 8.4
38 St Francisco P7 School Hoima City 8.5
39 Margherita PS Kasese Mun 8.5
40 Kabale Moslem PS Bunyangabu 8.6
41 Christ Aid PS Kabarole 8.6
42 Bwindi Watoto School Kanungu 8.6
43 Flobbeto Nursery and PS Hoima City 8.7
44 Nyakateete Bright Future Mitooma 8.7
45 Nest of Hermon PS Kiganda Hoima City 8.8
46 Excel Preparatory School Kasese Mun 8.8
47 Real Quality PS Kisoro Mun 8.8
48 Bwanga Progressive PS Rukungiri District 8.8
49 Bukwali PS Fort Portal City 8.9
50 Step by Step PS Hoima City 8.9
51 Harugongo PS Kabarole 8.9
52 Bishop Mazzolid PS Kanungu 8.9
53 St Kizito Preparatory Mbarara City 8.9
54 Ishaka Junior School Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9
55 St Patrick PS Isingiro 9
56 Oxford Modern PS Biguli Kamwenge 9
57 Royal Modern PS Kasese Mun 9
58 Global Vine School Kasese District 9
59 Mabira Parenrs PS Mbarara District 9
60 Creamland Junior School Kasese Mun 9.1
61 Kithula Model School Kasese District 9.1
62 Bright Valley Junior Kisoro Mun 9.1
63 Maria Sedes Sapientiae PS Rubirizi 9.1
64 Rutoto PS Rubirizi 9.1
65 Nadir Preparatory School Kasese Mun 9.2
66 Canaan Day Model PS Kikuube 9.2
67 St Thomas Junior School Kyegegwa 9.2
68 Brilliant PS Sheema Mun 9.2
69 Ibanda Town PS Ibanda Mun 9.3
70 Victoria Preparatory School Kabale District 9.3
71 Good Hope Foundation PS Kagadi 9.3
72 Ntandi SDA Integrated Bundibugyo 9.4
73 Kyeitembe PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9.4
74 St Paul PS Igorora Ibanda District 9.4
75 Katabarwa Memorial PS Rwampara 9.4
76 Bweranyangi PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9.5
77 In Grandmother’s Arms PS Kasese Mun 9.5
78 Mbarara Preparatory Mbarara City 9.5
79 Lypa Integrated PS Rubindi Mbarara District 9.5
80 Bright Age PS Sheema District 9.5
81 St John’s Yerya PS Bunyangabu 9.6
82 Pearl Junior School Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9.6
83 Queen of Peace Noble’s Sch Kyegegwa 9.6
84 Coloma PS Mbarara City 9.6
85 Happy Angel PS Mitooma 9.6
86 Kagongi Preparatory School Ntungamo District 9.6
87 Rukungiri Universal PS Rukungiri Mun 9.6
88 Greenwich Model School Kasese Mun 9.7
89 Rwoburundo Junior School Kiruhura 9.7
90 Mitooma Central School Mitooma 9.7
91 Kyamuhunga Mixed PS Bushenyi District 9.8
92 Butema United PS Hoima District 9.8
93 Hopebell PS Mbarara District 9.8
94 Good Hope PS Ntungamo District 9.9
95 Great Angels PS Sheema Mun 9.9
96 Nganwa Junior School Sheema Mun 9.9
97 Kitabi Girls PS Bushenyi District 10
98 Angels PS Kikandure Ibanda Mun 10
99 Prime Preparatory School Kamwenge 10
100 Ibanda Progressive PS Kasese District 10
101 St Lawrence PS Masindi Mun 10
102 Katatumba Mem Academy Mbarara City 10
103 St Joseph’s Model PS Mbarara District 10
104 Rwanja Parents PS Mitooma 10
105 Standard Junior School Ntungamo Mun 10
106 Kyabuharambo PS Sheema District 10
107 Rwenzori Islamic PS Fort Portal City 10.1
108 King’s Way PS Igayaza Kakumiro 10.1
109 Real Vision PS Kasese Mun 10.1
110 Mbarara Junior PS Mbarara City 10.1
111 Happy PS Nyamunuka Ntungamo District 10.1
112 Ishaka Preparatory School Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 10.2
113 Birimbi Model PS Bushenyi District 10.2
114 Dusek PS Kasese District 10.2
115 Ndongo Baptist PS Kasese District 10.2
116 Mother Care PS Ntungamo Mun 10.2
117 P’ninra Memorial Central Rubirizi 10.2
118 Rukungiri Modern PS Rukungiri Mun 10.2
119 St Jude PS Hoima City 10.3
120 Bright Star PS Kasese District 10.3
121 Brilliant Twinkles PS Ntungamo Mun 10.3
122 Aunt Jolly PS Kisiizi Rukungiri District 10.3
123 Child Africa Junior School Kabale Munic 10.4
124 New Bweyale Parents School Kiryandongo 10.4
125 Kabwohe Mothercare PS Sheema Mun 10.4
126 Kigumba Intensive PS Kiryandongo 10.5
127 Upward Junior School Kiryandongo 10.5
128 Little Angels PS Ntungamo Mun 10.5
129 Bp Mcallister Anglican Seminary Sheema Mun 10.5
130 St Kagwa Boarding PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 10.6
131 Citizens PS Isingiro 10.6
132 Kashongi I P7 School Kiruhura 10.6
133 St Agnes Centre for Educ Mbarara City 10.6
134 Mbarara Progressive PS Mbarara City 10.6
135 Ryakahimbi PS Mitooma 10.6
136 Ryamabengwa PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 10.7
137 Kashozi 2 PS Bushenyi District 10.7
138 Makkah Education Centre Hoima City 10.7
139 Jack and Jill PS Kabale Munic 10.7
140 Bishop’s PS Kinkizi Kanungu 10.7
141 Kibumbi PS Kitagwenda 10.7
142 Blue Hope PS Ntungamo District 10.7
143 Kichwamba PS Rubirizi 10.7
144 Kinyansano Boarding PS Rukungiri Mun 10.7
145 Rutunga PS Buhweju 10.8
146 Rwakashoma PS Bushenyi District 10.8
147 Divine PS Fort Portal City 10.8
148 United Parents PS Ibanda Mun 10.8
149 Kabingo Parents PS Isingiro 10.8
150 St Joseph Preparatory School Kabale Munic 10.8
151 Quality Education PS Kagadi 10.8
152 Brilliant Star PS Ntungamo District 10.8
153 Banyatereza Memorial PS Fort Portal City 10.9
154 St Mary’s PS Rukiri Ibanda District 10.9
155 Green Stars PS Rwenturagara Isingiro 10.9
156 Mariam Preparatory School Kasese District 10.9
157 Kyabahura PS Kazo 10.9
158 Rubindi Boys PS Mbarara District 10.9
159 Kisiizi Hospital PS Rukungiri District 10.9
160 Mwamba Junior PS Ibanda District 11
161 Shabana Memorial PS Isingiro 11
162 Kitara Parents PS Masindi Mun 11
163 Walyoba Brilliant PS Masindi District 11
164 Mapeera PS Kijungu Hoima City 11.1
165 Akajumbura PS Kiruhura 11.1
166 Rwebiihuro PS Mbarara City 11.1
167 Brilliant Angels PS Ntungamo District 11.1
168 Nyakibare Boarding PS Rukungiri Mun 11.1
169 Rwebiita Preparatory School Sheema Mun 11.1
170 Masheruka Mixed PS Sheema District 11.1
171 St Jude Kyegobe PS Fort Portal City 11.2
172 Kabale Junior School Kabale Munic 11.2
173 Goodwill Baptist PS Mbarara City 11.2
174 Rubindi Preparatory School Mbarara District 11.2
175 Kitunga Boarding PS Ntungamo District 11.2
176 Visionary Junior PS Kakindo Sheema District 11.2
177 Kagote PS Fort Portal City 11.3
178 Victoria Day & Boarding PS Hoima City 11.3
179 Igorora Town PS Ibanda District 11.3
180 Blessed Trinity Nalweyo PS Kakumiro 11.3
181 Aloysius & Revocate Mem Sch Kyenjojo 11.3
182 Kakukuru PS Mbarara City 11.3
183 Rwebishuri PS Mbarara City 11.3
184 Sheema Junior School Sheema District 11.3
185 Patience PS Kashenyi Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.4
186 Maria Prean PS Kabarole 11.4
187 Good Care PS Kinyamaseka Kasese District 11.4
188 St Klaus PS Kyenjojo 11.4
189 Centenary Standard PS Mbarara City 11.4
190 Golden Bells PS Mbarara City 11.4
191 Kinoni Integrated PS Rwampara 11.4
192 Nyakambu Junior School Sheema District 11.4
193 Babungi Nursery & PS Bundibugyo 11.5
194 Clevers Origin PS Bundibugyo 11.5
195 Feed My Lamb PS Fort Portal City 11.5
196 United Parents PS Kyanaisoke Kagadi 11.5
197 Holy Angels PS Kibeedi Kibaale 11.5
198 Bweyale Preparatory School Kiryandongo 11.5
199 Ruti Progressive PS Mbarara City 11.5
200 St Charles Lwanga Kishabya PS Sheema District 11.5
201 St Mbaga PS Nyakigumba Bunyangabu 11.6
202 Vesca PS Birere Isingiro 11.6
203 New Foundation PS Kabale Munic 11.6
204 Mbuga PS Kabarole 11.6
205 Stella Maria PS Kagadi 11.6
206 St Maria PS Kagadi 11.6
207 Bright Future PS Kanungu 11.6
208 Destiny Preparatory PS Kisanga Kasese Mun 11.6
209 Junior Angels Model PS Kasese District 11.6
210 Kasojo Preparatory PS  Hima Kasese District 11.6
211 Katojo Biharwe PS Mbarara City 11.6
212 St Francis Xavier PS Rubanda 11.6
213 St Paul Community PS Rukungiri Mun 11.6
214 Nyakanyinya PS Sheema District 11.6
215 Rukondo PS Sheema District 11.6
216 Brain Giant PS Kanungu 11.7
217 Buhoma Community PS Kanungu 11.7
218 Rushasha Salvation PS Rukungiri District 11.7
219 Bujaga Integrared PS Rwampara 11.7
220 Muhito PS Sheema District 11.7
221 Bushenyi Municipal PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.8
222 Fort Portal Islamic PS Fort Portal City 11.8
223 Kaboyo PS Kabarole 11.8
224 Bunyonyi PS Kabarole 11.8
225 St John’s Junior School Kagadi 11.8
226 Unique Valley PS Kasese Mun 11.8
227 St John Baptist Nyabutebe PS Kitagwenda 11.8
228 Bwizibwera Parents PS Mbarara District 11.8
229 Ijumo Premier PS Mitooma 11.8
230 Winner PS Bundibugyo 11.9
231 Bushenyi Parents PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.9
232 Ruharo PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.9
233 Kahinju PS Fort Portal City 11.9
234 St Paul’s Junior PS Fort Portal City 11.9
235 Brilliant Junior School Bweyale Kiryandongo 11.9
236 Uganda Martyrs PS Bwanswa Kakumiro 12
237 Vision Model PS Mpondwe Kasese District 12
238 Kitwe Preparatory School Ntungamo District 12
239 Uganda Martyrs Prep Muko Rubanda 12
240 Greenfield PS Rubanda 12
List of 240 best performing PLE 2023 schools in Western Uganda region (Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro and Bunyoro sub-regions. The Pearl Times Rankings 2023


School District/City/Municipality Average Aggregate
Rutunga PS Buhweju 10.8
Ntandi SDA Integrated Bundibugyo 9.4
Babungi Nursery & PS Bundibugyo 11.5
Clevers Origin PS Bundibugyo 11.5
Winner PS Bundibugyo 11.9
Rwimi Parents PS Bunyangabu 7.5
Excel PS Rwimi Bunyangabu 8.4
Kabale Moslem PS Bunyangabu 8.6
St John’s Yerya PS Bunyangabu 9.6
St Mbaga PS Nyakigumba Bunyangabu 11.6
Parental Care PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 7.9
Ishaka Junior School Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9
Kyeitembe PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9.4
Bweranyangi PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9.5
Pearl Junior School Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 9.6
Ishaka Preparatory School Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 10.2
St Kagwa Boarding PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 10.6
Ryamabengwa PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 10.7
Patience PS Kashenyi Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.4
Bushenyi Municipal PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.8
Bushenyi Parents PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.9
Ruharo PS Bushenyi-Ishaka Mun 11.9
Kyamuhunga Mixed PS Bushenyi District 9.8
Kitabi Girls PS Bushenyi District 10
Birimbi Model PS Bushenyi District 10.2
Kashozi 2 PS Bushenyi District 10.7
Rwakashoma PS Bushenyi District 10.8
Tooro Parents Educ Centre Fort Portal City 6
Green Circle PS Fort Portal City 8
Bukwali PS Fort Portal City 8.9
Rwenzori Islamic PS Fort Portal City 10.1
Divine PS Fort Portal City 10.8
Banyatereza Memorial PS Fort Portal City 10.9
St Jude Kyegobe PS Fort Portal City 11.2
Kagote PS Fort Portal City 11.3
Feed My Lamb PS Fort Portal City 11.5
Fort Portal Islamic PS Fort Portal City 11.8
Kahinju PS Fort Portal City 11.9
St Paul’s Junior PS Fort Portal City 11.9
St Francisco P7 School Hoima City 8.5
Flobbeto Nursery and PS Hoima City 8.7
Nest of Hermon PS Kiganda Hoima City 8.8
Step by Step PS Hoima City 8.9
St Jude PS Hoima City 10.3
Makkah Education Centre Hoima City 10.7
Mapeera PS Kijungu Hoima City 11.1
Victoria Day & Boarding PS Hoima City 11.3
Butema United PS Hoima District 9.8
Ibanda Town PS Ibanda Mun 9.3
Angels PS Kikandure Ibanda Mun 10
United Parents PS Ibanda Mun 10.8
St Paul PS Igorora Ibanda District 9.4
St Mary’s PS Rukiri Ibanda District 10.9
Mwamba Junior PS Ibanda District 11
Igorora Town PS Ibanda District 11.3
Endinzi Parents PS Isingiro 5.6
St Patrick PS Isingiro 9
Citizens PS Isingiro 10.6
Kabingo Parents PS Isingiro 10.8
Green Stars PS Rwenturagara Isingiro 10.9
Shabana Memorial PS Isingiro 11
Vesca PS Birere Isingiro 11.6
Kabale Universal  PS Kabale Munic 7.2
Kabale Preparatory School Kabale Munic 7.2
St Maria Goretti PS Kabale Munic 7.4
Bishop Asili Mem PS Kabale Munic 8
Child Africa Junior School Kabale Munic 10.4
Jack and Jill PS Kabale Munic 10.7
St Joseph Preparatory School Kabale Munic 10.8
Kabale Junior School Kabale Munic 11.2
New Foundation PS Kabale Munic 11.6
Victoria Preparatory School Kabale District 9.3
Christ Aid PS Kabarole 8.6
Harugongo PS Kabarole 8.9
Maria Prean PS Kabarole 11.4
Mbuga PS Kabarole 11.6
Kaboyo PS Kabarole 11.8
Bunyonyi PS Kabarole 11.8
Good Hope Foundation PS Kagadi 9.3
Quality Education PS Kagadi 10.8
United Parents PS Kyanaisoke Kagadi 11.5
Stella Maria PS Kagadi 11.6
St Maria PS Kagadi 11.6
St John’s Junior School Kagadi 11.8
King’s Way PS Igayaza Kakumiro 10.1
Blessed Trinity Nalweyo PS Kakumiro 11.3
Uganda Martyrs PS Bwanswa Kakumiro 12
Oxford Modern PS Biguli Kamwenge 9
Prime Preparatory School Kamwenge 10
Bwindi Watoto School Kanungu 8.6
Bishop Mazzolid PS Kanungu 8.9
Bishop’s PS Kinkizi Kanungu 10.7
Bright Future PS Kanungu 11.6
Brain Giant PS Kanungu 11.7
Buhoma Community PS Kanungu 11.7
Trusted Care Junior School Kasese Mun 6.8
Five Star Model School Kasese Mun 7.7
Nyakasanga Infant PS Kasese Mun 8
Pearls PS Kasese Kasese Mun 8.2
Parental Care School Kasese Mun 8.2
Margherita PS Kasese Mun 8.5
Excel Preparatory School Kasese Mun 8.8
Royal Modern PS Kasese Mun 9
Creamland Junior School Kasese Mun 9.1
Nadir Preparatory School Kasese Mun 9.2
In Grandmother’s Arms PS Kasese Mun 9.5
Greenwich Model School Kasese Mun 9.7
Real Vision PS Kasese Mun 10.1
Destiny Preparatory PS Kisanga Kasese Mun 11.6
Unique Valley PS Kasese Mun 11.8
Global Vine School Kasese District 9
Kithula Model School Kasese District 9.1
Ibanda Progressive PS Kasese District 10
Dusek PS Kasese District 10.2
Ndongo Baptist PS Kasese District 10.2
Bright Star PS Kasese District 10.3
Mariam Preparatory School Kasese District 10.9
Good Care PS Kinyamaseka Kasese District 11.4
Junior Angels Model PS Kasese District 11.6
Kasojo Preparatory PS  Hima Kasese District 11.6
Vision Model PS Mpondwe Kasese District 12
Bugarihe Standard PS Kazo 8.2
Kazo Parents PS Kazo 8.2
Kyabahura PS Kazo 10.9
St Julie Model PS Kibaale 7.9
Holy Angels PS Kibeedi Kibaale 11.5
Canaan Day Model PS Kikuube 9.2
Rwoburundo Junior School Kiruhura 9.7
Kashongi I P7 School Kiruhura 10.6
Akajumbura PS Kiruhura 11.1
New Bweyale Parents School Kiryandongo 10.4
Kigumba Intensive PS Kiryandongo 10.5
Upward Junior School Kiryandongo 10.5
Bweyale Preparatory School Kiryandongo 11.5
Brilliant Junior School Bweyale Kiryandongo 11.9
St Allen’s PS Kisoro Mun 8.1
Real Quality PS Kisoro Mun 8.8
Bright Valley Junior Kisoro Mun 9.1
Maria Junior PS Buryansungwe Kitagwenda 7.5
Kibumbi PS Kitagwenda 10.7
St John Baptist Nyabutebe PS Kitagwenda 11.8
Paragon Parents School Kyegegwa 6.3
Kyegegwa Junior School Kyegegwa 6.6
Katairwe Parents PS Kyegegwa 8.1
St Thomas Junior School Kyegegwa 9.2
Queen of Peace Noble’s Sch Kyegegwa 9.6
Light Star PS Kyenjojo 7.1
Aloysius & Revocate Mem Sch Kyenjojo 11.3
St Klaus PS Kyenjojo 11.4
St Lawrence PS Masindi Mun 10
Kitara Parents PS Masindi Mun 11
Walyoba Brilliant PS Masindi District 11
St Kizito Preparatory Mbarara City 8.9
Mbarara Preparatory Mbarara City 9.5
Coloma PS Mbarara City 9.6
Katatumba Mem Academy Mbarara City 10
Mbarara Junior PS Mbarara City 10.1
St Agnes Centre for Educ Mbarara City 10.6
Mbarara Progressive PS Mbarara City 10.6
Rwebiihuro PS Mbarara City 11.1
Goodwill Baptist PS Mbarara City 11.2
Kakukuru PS Mbarara City 11.3
Rwebishuri PS Mbarara City 11.3
Centenary Standard PS Mbarara City 11.4
Golden Bells PS Mbarara City 11.4
Ruti Progressive PS Mbarara City 11.5
Katojo Biharwe PS Mbarara City 11.6
Wagga Wagga PS Mbarara District 5.8
Kyamatambarire PS Mbarara District 7.8
Mabira Parenrs PS Mbarara District 9
Lypa Integrated PS Rubindi Mbarara District 9.5
Hopebell PS Mbarara District 9.8
St Joseph’s Model PS Mbarara District 10
Rubindi Boys PS Mbarara District 10.9
Rubindi Preparatory School Mbarara District 11.2
Bwizibwera Parents PS Mbarara District 11.8
Mitooma Junior PS Mitooma 6.8
Nyakateete Bright Future Mitooma 8.7
Happy Angel PS Mitooma 9.6
Mitooma Central School Mitooma 9.7
Rwanja Parents PS Mitooma 10
Ryakahimbi PS Mitooma 10.6
Ijumo Premier PS Mitooma 11.8
Standard Junior School Ntungamo Mun 10
Mother Care PS Ntungamo Mun 10.2
Brilliant Twinkles PS Ntungamo Mun 10.3
Little Angels PS Ntungamo Mun 10.5
Uganda Kids Project PS Ntungamo District 5.1
Kitwe Town PS Ntungamo District 7.1
Karagirwe Memorial PS Ntungamo District 7.9
Kagongi Preparatory School Ntungamo District 9.6
Good Hope PS Ntungamo District 9.9
Happy PS Nyamunuka Ntungamo District 10.1
Blue Hope PS Ntungamo District 10.7
Brilliant Star PS Ntungamo District 10.8
Brilliant Angels PS Ntungamo District 11.1
Kitunga Boarding PS Ntungamo District 11.2
Kitwe Preparatory School Ntungamo District 12
St Francis Xavier PS Rubanda 11.6
Uganda Martyrs Prep Muko Rubanda 12
Greenfield PS Rubanda 12
Kyenzaza Integrated PS Rubirizi 8.4
Maria Sedes Sapientiae PS Rubirizi 9.1
Rutoto PS Rubirizi 9.1
P’ninra Memorial Central Rubirizi 10.2
Kichwamba PS Rubirizi 10.7
St Clelia PS Rukiga 7.4
Nyakibare Parents PS Rukungiri Mun 8.2
Rukungiri Universal PS Rukungiri Mun 9.6
Rukungiri Modern PS Rukungiri Mun 10.2
Kinyansano Boarding PS Rukungiri Mun 10.7
Nyakibare Boarding PS Rukungiri Mun 11.1
St Paul Community PS Rukungiri Mun 11.6
Brain Trust PS Rukungiri District 6.3
Rubanga Parents PS Rukungiri District 8.4
Bwanga Progressive PS Rukungiri District 8.8
Aunt Jolly PS Kisiizi Rukungiri District 10.3
Kisiizi Hospital PS Rukungiri District 10.9
Rushasha Salvation PS Rukungiri District 11.7
Nyakaikara PS Rwampara 8.3
Katabarwa Memorial PS Rwampara 9.4
Kinoni Integrated PS Rwampara 11.4
Bujaga Integrared PS Rwampara 11.7
St Mukasa Seminary Sheema Mun 7.5
Brilliant PS Sheema Mun 9.2
Great Angels PS Sheema Mun 9.9
Nganwa Junior School Sheema Mun 9.9
Kabwohe Mothercare PS Sheema Mun 10.4
Bp Mcallister Anglican Seminary Sheema Mun 10.5
Rwebiita Preparatory School Sheema Mun 11.1
Bright Age PS Sheema District 9.5
Kyabuharambo PS Sheema District 10
Masheruka Mixed PS Sheema District 11.1
Visionary Junior PS Kakindo Sheema District 11.2
Sheema Junior School Sheema District 11.3
Nyakambu Junior School Sheema District 11.4
St Charles Lwanga Kishabya PS Sheema District 11.5
Nyakanyinya PS Sheema District 11.6
Rukondo PS Sheema District 11.6
Muhito PS Sheema District 11.7
The Pearl Times Rankings Top best performing Western Uganda (Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro, Bunyoro sub-regions) schools in 2023 PLE. Schools from districts, municipalities and cities on this list here have an average of aggregate 12.

You can see the list of Central Uganda (Buganda) region’s top performing schools in 2023 PLE Here.

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