Deputy speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among has spoken out on allegations against her, saying she knows the group engineering them but they should watch her become server in her current role for 10 years and as speaker for another decade.
For days now, a missive has circulated on social media claiming she had been involved in alleged corruption and financial deals.
But during the debate on a motion to pay tribute to Florence Alice Lubega, the first female MP in Uganda, Among said she would not be intimidated.
She said that Lubega, who died on October at the age of 103, had inspired women like her to seek leadership positions.
Among, also Bukedea District Woman MP, said she was confident she would serve 10 years as deputy speaker and another 10 as speaker.
And that no amount of blackmail and intimidation would stop her.
“I want to ask the women leaders not to be intimidated by those who want to bring them down, please stand firm and I can assure you that I am here for ten years as deputy speaker and ten as speaker,” she said.
“We know the people who are doing these things and we are not moved.”