Besigye: I’ve no regrets working with Museveni until he hijacked NRM Struggle

Struggle for UGANDA’S DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION and the Archtraitor’s spins | By Dr Kizza Besigye

Some NRM/M7 Junta zealots have been , of recent, circulating a video clip from a 1988 function, possibly to suggest that Mr Museveni (still) represents what I said then!

Since this was more than 33 years ago, (the period our Lord Jesus Christ spent on earth); and when about 75% of Ugandans today were unborn; it’s necessary to make the following remarks for the benefit of the clip’s listeners:

What I said in 1988 was correct; a revolution led by Mr Museveni, in which I participated had taken place; a novel participatory grassroots (RCs) democracy had been introduced and was cherished by majority of Ugandans.

A ragtag force (for most part operating as guerrilla army) had defeated the national army (UNLA), that was, for sometime, backed by the Tanzanian Army (TPDF).
This was, largely, possible because of the sacrifices and support of the population.

It was, therefore, a popular struggle that had been launched following a blatant overthrow of the people’s will, as expressed in 1980 elections.

It’ll be recalled that the Chairman of the (then) ruling Military Commission, Paulo Muwanga, summarily sacked the Electoral Commission soon after the voting and took over its roles!

It’ll also be recalled that there was widespread Human Rights abuses by Military and Security personnel, in which I was, personally, a victim- an episode that rudely changed my life’s trajectory.

The victory of NRA/NRM struggle in 1986 and the accompanying euphoria was buttressed by a promise and plan of a new Uganda.

The foundation for that new Uganda was expected to be built by all people, through an all-inclusive TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT that was intended to last 4 years (up to 1990).
Indeed, although no formal understanding was agreed upon, leaders of all political backgrounds were part of that government.

Regrettably, Mr Museveni, who was, at the time, President of Uganda, Speaker of Parliament, Chair of NRM, Chair of NRA High Command, and Commander-in-Chief ,used that power to overthrow the NRA/NRM revolution and the promises we had made to the people of Uganda.

A part of this betrayal of the people included the creation of institutionalised corruption; thereby offending a cardinal objective (Point No 7) of the NRM 10-Point Program.

Some of us in the NRM leadership started to resist. Despite the fact that I was then serving as National Political Commissar (NPC) and a Minister in the Presidency, I was one of those who started to resist Mr Museveni’s subversion of the NRM revolution, which earned me prompt sacking from government (1990).

I was sent back to the Military from 1991, where I served (for the long part, against my will- having applied and been denied to retire) until 2000.

While serving as a member of the Constituent Assembly (CA)-1994/5, together with some other NRA CA members, we again tried, with mixed results, to resist Mr Museveni’s subversion of the NRA/NRM revolution.

The rigging and manipulation of the CA, together with how the 1996 elections played out, very painfully and finally, ended the NRM promise of a new Uganda and ushered in the M7 Junta (personal) rule.

In 1999, I wrote a critique of the NRM, titled “The Evolution and State of the NRM” although the media called it “An insider’s view of how NRM lost the broad base”.

This was a narration of what, in my view, had happened to the “NRM revolution” and that’s what triggered the open contestation that I’ve been involved in to date.

The lie of an all-inclusive TRANSITIONAL NRM ended with adopting a new Constitution in 1995.

After that, it was a fraud called a “MOVEMENT POLITICAL SYSTEM”, that had Organs and which Mr Museveni was a Chairman of. The System even endorsed Museveni as its presidential candidate!!
This is what we opposed and contested against in 2001.

The truth is that the ridiculous and fraudulent Movement System was abandoned in 2005( only in law), when a “MULTIPARTY POLITICAL SYSTEM” was adopted.
The “System” then morphed into an “Organisation”- NRM(o) that continues till now!

Of course, the Junta governance has progressively got worse over the years. All State institutions (Judiciary, Parliament, “Independent bodies”) have become totally captive; corruption is the system of government; gross abuse of Human Rights, with impunity, is rampant; elections, especially, of President (where all power is held) is just a farce; Social Services are in shambles etc.

Let us restate this here clearly; the struggle many of my colleagues and I’ve been involved in for about 40 years now is for the LIBERATION of our country from control by Military Juntas/armed cabals.

We’re struggling for, a yet elusive, TRANSITION to a democratic dispensation; in which power truly belong to, and is exercised by, the people of Uganda; where we’re all equal before the law; where we enjoy equal opportunities; and where the leaders are servants and accountable to the people .
It is not a struggle for offices or positions.

We have no regrets in having been a part of the NRA/NRM struggle until it was hijacked by Mr Museveni.

However, with the benefit of hindsight, we think that an armed struggle wasn’t the appropriate strategy for achieving the democratic transition we aspire to. It was ,nevertheless an important lesson of that struggle.

The many people that perished in the 1981-86 armed struggle and those that have been killed, maimed, tortured and persecuted in subsequent pro-democracy struggles form a part of the motivation for us to fight on.

We have severally, made it clear that we intend to pursue this cause, which has consumed nearly all our adult lives, to a logical conclusion.
So, help us God.

Pearl Times Reporter

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