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Andrew Mwenda: US should stop lecturing us about democracy; Trump has exposed them

Trump and Andrew Mwenda. Courtesy Photos

The Independent Magazine owner Andrew Mwenda says the US should stop lecturing other countries about democracy after pro-Donald Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill, disrupting a process to certify ex-VP Joe Biden’s November 2020 victory.

Trump insists he was rigged out.

At least four people died in the January 06 protests.

A Donald Trump supporter was pictured ‘taking over’ Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office.

Commenting on this picture, Mwenda wrote: “Here is democracy in America as Washington advises other countries on how to run it better!”

The controversial journalist and commentator praised Trump for helping expose ‘American Democracy.’

“Now I realize how good Trump has been to the world: he has held a mirror in front of American liberal hubris and shown them why they have no moral authority to lecture to others on democracy.”

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